venerdì, maggio 23, 2008

Da Londra: povere carte inglesi, clonate dagli italiani

Vi posto un articolo di Metro Londra, che spiega come nel 2007 il valore delle frodi in Italia ai danni delle carte di credito inglesi ammonti a quasi 10 milioni di sterline. Che dire, complimenti!

£535m swiped as card fraud soars

Card fraud soared by 25 per cent last year, with £535million stolen from bank accounts and credit cards.
The increase was largely the result of a 77 per cent rise in fraud carried out while Britons were abroad.
There was a growth of just six per cent in fraudulent transactions at home following the launch of chip and Pin.
The bulk of overseas fraudulent transactions took place in the US, where ­Britons were fleeced of £24.6million.
This was followed by Italy (£9.6million), Australia (£8.2million), France (£7.3million) and Spain (£5.7million).

leggi l'articolo completo al link

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