venerdì, giugno 13, 2008

Immondizia, Italian nimbys

Il Times in un articolo durissimo sulle differenze nella politica sui rifiuti tra Italia e Germania, dove sta ora andando a finire la munnezz napoletana. C'e' anche un'allusione nemmeno troppo velata alla Camorra nelle proteste nei quartieri campani. Che siano manovrate?

Welcome aboard the Garbage Express from Italy to Germany

Every day of the week a 56-wagon freight train full of rotting tomatoes and stinking nappies makes its way across the Alps to northern Germany in an attempt to save the city of Naples from drowning in its own detritus. It is a strange, 44-hour journey, rattling through the night - the wagons scanned en route for signs of radioactivity or toxic substances — that says much about Europe today and the failure of cities to deal with a central problem of our time: rubbish.

leggi l'articolo completo al link

domenica, giugno 01, 2008

La Scala, un'opera per Al Gore

La Scala di Milano ha deciso di ospitare un'opera dedicata al lavoro cinematografico di Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth". L'autore dell'opera il compositore italiano Giorgio Battistelli

Opera tribute not too inconvenient for Gore

For a man sometimes described as the world's most famous loser, Al Gore is quite a winner. Since the start of last year alone, he has picked up an honorary fellowship of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, prizes in Spain and Sweden, several honorary doctorates, the Sir David Attenborough Award for Excellence in Nature Film-making and an Emmy - not to mention the Nobel peace prize.

But even Gore may feel humbled by the latest distinction to come his way. The legendary La Scala opera house in Milan has commissioned a full-length work to be based on his book, An Inconvenient Truth, and the Oscar-winning documentary of the same title.

Leggi l'articolo completo al link,,2283007,00.html